Thursday, September 3, 2009

"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."

If I had to create a bumper sticker that modeled my philosophy for life, it would be "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." My interpretation of this phrase is that many people go through life trying to be like someone else or be as successful as someone else, but instead you need to be your own self and not what someone else has already done before you.
In today's society many people look at what someone successful has done before them, and they want to emulate it in such a way that they will become like this person. But I am trying to live my life in a separate way. I look at what my father has done in his life and am proud of what he has done, but do not want to follow in his footsteps exactly. Many people label me as just, the coach's son, and even when I tried to get away from it into college I was still labeled as such.
Many people have placed certain expectations upon me given the position I have been born into. I am "supposed" to go to college and play football. I am supposed to graduate from college and come back to coach with my father. Will all of this happen? Maybe. But I will do it on my own terms and because it is what I want to do.
This phrase has become the motto of my life as I try to break the mold that has been placed upon me as the football coach's son. Is it great to be associated with my father, with all the accomplishments he has achieved? Sure, of course, but when I am old and retired I want to have my own name that isn't shadowed by the accomplishments of my father. I want to create my own path that my kids will one day look at and say, Wow.
"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." The way that I have begun to live my life in a way to leave my own separate mark on the world.


  1. I really like this I completely agree with you. Being a follower will only get you into trouble. Best thoughts are thoughts that you think of on your own you should never let someone else lead you.

  2. i like this man, everyone is so lost in trying to be someone else.

  3. i really like your ideas. they are so true about people expecting you to do great things when that might not be what you want.

  4. This was the quote for my high school graduating class! I think it is so true. Being an individual and being a little different than the norm is super important.

  5. this blog is really good. being different is a good thing and eeryone should be different

  6. wow! i love this bumper get it. but i agree with you, people need to be their OWN leaders in their life instead of making others lead them. we might need a little help finding our way through our paths, but we know wat makes us happy in the end =]

  7. Everyone needs to just be themselves. It makes us who we are.
